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Ada begitu banyak definisi cybercrimes, baik menurut para ahli maupun berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan. Definisi-definisi tersebut dapat dijadikan dasar pengaturan hukum pidana siber materil.

MENURUT Sussan Brenner

“crimes in which the computer is the target of the criminal activity, crimes in which the computer is a tool used to commit the crime, and crimes in which the use of the computer is an incidental aspect of the commission of the crime.”

MENURUT Nicholson
[f]irst, a computer may be the ‘object’ of a crime: the offender targets the computer itself. This encompasses theft of computer processor time and computerized services. Second, a computer may be the ‘subject’ of a crime: a computer is the physical site of the crime, or the source of, or reason for, unique forms of asset loss. This includes the use of ‘viruses’, ‘worms’, ‘Trojan horses’, ‘logic bombs’, and ‘sniffers.’ Third, a computer may be an ‘instrument’ used to commit traditional crimes in a more complex manner. For example, a computer might be used to collect credit card information to make fraudulent purchases.


Partisipasi masyarakat dalam melapor kejahatan online atau cyber crime semakin meningkat.

Kini privasi pengguna Facebook yang suka menjelajahi dunia maya lebih terjaga.

Kesepakatan ini mengakhiri perang tudingan antara Amerika dan Cina soal peretasan.

Tifatul Sembiring mengatakan terjadi hampir 36 juta serangan 'cyber' dalam satu tahun terakhir.

Kepolisian Federal Australia membuka pusat investigasi kejahatan online atau Cyber Crime Investigation Center di Markas Polda Metro Jaya. Ini untuk mengantisipasi kejahatan lintas negara. "Kami melihat adanya ancaman transnasional. Eksploitasi ini membuat adanya kejahatan baru setiap hari," ujar Kepala Kepolisian Australia, Komisaris Tony Negus, di Polda Metro, Jakarta, Senin, 29 April 2013.



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